Effective Termination of Agreements: Topalsson v Rolls Royce [2023] EWHC 1756 (TCC)

Daniel CalvoBlog

effective termination agreement for Rolls royce

In the Topalsson v Rolls Royce Motor Cars case, the termination of the agreement between Topalsson and Rolls Royce Motor Cars was effectively executed through a second termination notice. The case highlights the precarious nature of entering into a general project development agreement, without identifying, in certain terms, agreed deliverables and delivery deadlines.

Understanding the Case Background

Topalsson, a German software services company specialising in digital data visualization entered into an agreement with Rolls Royce Motor Cars (“RRMC”) for the supply of Future Configurator Landscape for Rolls-Royce’s new Ghost model (the “Agreement”). 

The Agreement set out the deliverables as contemplated by the parties and contained the following clauses:

  1. “In performing this Agreement the Supplier [Topalsson] shall … complete the Services and deliver the Deliverables on time and in full and by any applicable milestone date or delivery date, if delivery dates or milestones are not specified, within or by any reasonable delivery date or time period that is specified by RRMC.”
  2. “Time shall be of the essence regarding any date for delivery by the Supplier of any good or service specified in this agreement and the Completion Date.”
  3. “If in the reasonable opinion of RRMC the Supplier fails to perform the Services in accordance with this Agreement or to deliver Deliverables by the applicable delivery dates or milestone dates or if RRMC rejects the Deliverables, without limitation to any other of its rights or remedies, RRMC shall have the following rights: … to terminate this Agreement in whole or part with immediate effect by giving written notice to the Supplier.”

The appendix to the agreement contained a general timeline of the execution of milestones and deliverables which was to be refined at a later stage. A revised implementation plan, containing a detailed breakdown of deliverables and set deadlines for execution was subsequently submitted by Topalsson and approved by RRMC.

Topalsson failed to comply with the deadlines set out in the revised implementation plan.

As a result, RRMC decided to terminate the Agreement and sent Topalsson a termination notice invoking its right to terminate the Agreement on account of Topalsson’s late delivery or lack thereof citing a document entitled “anticipated timeline” which formed a part of the appendix to the Agreement.

Topalsson rejected the termination notice, prompting RRMC to send a second termination notice on the basis of the revised implementation plan.

Topalsson initiated proceedings against RRMC for unlawful termination, claiming lost profits. RRMC counterclaimed for damages on grounds of Topalsson’s delay which it argued amounted to a repudiatory breach of the Agreement.

The Court held that while the first notice to terminate was ineffective, RRMC had effectively terminated the Agreement through its second notice. The court explained that the anticipated timeline failed to specify the day and month on which delivery was to be expected and as such could not be taken to set an actionable deadline. Therefore, RRMC’s first notice was made on erroneous grounds. However, as the revised implementation plan had set out specific dates, the second termination notice was effective.

While mere delay would not necessarily constitute a repudiatory breach, the court held that the Agreement had explicitly provided provision for termination in view of delay and had stressed that time is of the essence. The fact that RRMC’s first notice may have amounted to a repudiatory breach was held to be immaterial in view of Topalsson’s rejection of the notice and affirmation of the Agreement.


Topalsson v Rolls Royce Termination Agreement

In-Depth Case Analysis

Topalsson v Rolls Royce Motor Cars termination agreement raises a number of important issues for consideration.

The case highlights the potential pitfalls when drafting and entering into an agreement for goods or services without spelling out exactly what those goods and services are, and when they are to be delivered.

This issue is most common in software development agreements that operate as a work in progress and through the course of which numerous documents with no outwardly apparent contractual effect are exchanged. Careful consideration of the ultimate object of the Agreement and the terms upon which it shall be delivered is essential.

RRMC managed to narrowly evade committing a repudiatory breach by unlawfully terminating the Agreement through its first notice. The consequences of serving an ineffective notice to terminate your contract can include committing a repudiatory breach yourself, thereby exposing yourself to a claim for damages. By the same token, you should seek proper advice in deciding how to respond to a termination notice.

By choosing to affirm the contract in response to RRMC’s first notice to terminate the Agreement, Topalsson had accepted RRMC’s breach. While, on the facts of the case, Topalsson’s affirmation of the Agreement proved inconsequential, in that it could not prevent RRMC from validly terminating the Agreement through its second termination notice, it may prove decisive in circumstances where termination could not be validly affected by the party seeking to terminate.

For failure to comply with set timelines to constitute a repudiatory breach, it must be explicitly stated as such. RRMC relied on the fact that the Agreement stated that time was to be of the essence and that delay would empower RRMC to terminate the Agreement with immediate effect. If timely delivery is crucial to you, include it as a clause in your agreement clearly spelling out that delay, no matter how innocent or insignificant would empower you to terminate the agreement.

Key Takeaways for Contract Management and Termination Agreements

  • Ensure that deliverables and specific due dates are explicitly set out in your contract.
  • Take care when drafting your termination notice to avoid repudiating the contract.
  • Seek legal advice when responding to a termination notice to avoid potentially accepting a breach of contract.
  • If time is a crucial factor in your agreement, include a provision indicating that time is of the essence.

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