Cooperation between Eldwick Law and the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Daniel CalvoBlog

On 15th August 2024, Eldwick Law hosted a delegation from the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The delegation included Deputy Minister of Justice, Sherzad Mirjalovich Rabiev, Prof. Dr. Islambek Rustambekov (Acting Rector Professor of Tashkent State University of Law), Professor Azamat Ergashev, and Professor Maged Mamdouh Kamel Shebaita. Also pictured is Dr Jamsheed Peeroo of 36 Stone.

Waleed Tahirkheli, Jenna Krüger , Julian Wilkins and Gani Abaydildinov attended the meeting on behalf of Eldwick Law. Waleed Tahirkheli opened the session, followed by a short presentation and discussion delivered by Jenna Krüger on potential areas of mutual interest and cooperation between Eldwick Law and the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan, including:

–     Investigations & Asset Tracing

–     International Arbitration

–     Sanctions

In September 2023, Waleed Tahirkheli and Rashid Gaissin travelled to Tashkent for English Law Week, returning in November 2023 to deliver a series of seminars – together with Dr Jamsheed Peeroo – on arbitration and the impact of sanctions on arbitration. You can read about our work in Uzbekistan, as well as the wider CIS region here.

We look forward to our continued partnership and work in Uzbekistan, at a time when the legal market is going from strength to strength. On 10 September 2024, Waleed Tahirkheli and Rashid Gaissin will travel to Tashkent for Uzbek Arbitration Week, specifically English Law Day at Tashkent State University of Law.


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